Welcome to SALUMET & Friends Channelled teachings on: LOVE, TRUTH & the Power of THOUGHT ~
       Welcome to SALUMET  &  Friends              Channelled  teachings  on: LOVE, TRUTH & the Power of THOUGHT ~             
I Love you all--Salumet gives us a mission, while returning Home ,for a while ...
2024_01_22 sal.mp3
MP3 audio file [5.2 MB]
I Love you all--Salumet gives us a mission, while returning Home for a while ...
2024_01_11 Salumet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [241.4 KB]
Not Salumet, but another from deep Spirit
2024_06_10.We have the POWER-Eileenmp3.m[...]
MP3 audio file [1.2 MB]
Not Salumet, but another from deep Spirit
10th June 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [211.3 KB]
Salumet returns, bringing Love and Strength
MP3 audio file [1.8 MB]
Salumet returns, bringing Love and Strength
Salumet 1st July 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [214.4 KB]

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