Welcome to SALUMET & Friends Channelled teachings on: LOVE, TRUTH & the Power of THOUGHT ~
       Welcome to SALUMET  &  Friends              Channelled  teachings  on: LOVE, TRUTH & the Power of THOUGHT ~             


These books are all based on Salumet's teachings:

Latest Book:

Tales of Love and Light along the journey HOME


Conversations with people who are 'dead' but

don't know it yet.

By Paul E Moss

An exploration of the Salumet teachings via 

Spirit rescues

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Salumet: His mission to Planet Earth:

Available as ebooks on Amazon:

Salumet’s mission to Earth began in June 1994 and continues. We had received the message earlier that something special was planned for the time when our garden roses would be in bloom. Mission objectives have been two-fold—firstly to steer Earth away from nuclear oblivion that we so sadly had been heading towards in those earlier decades—then to raise spiritual awareness as we move into the 21st century. These were seen by some as two much welcomed and sorely needed objectives.

It might be said that this book is for all those who marvel at the Grand Design of creation, acknowledge questions that arise within, and in sincerity, seek answers. Salumet, Master from spirit, loving and compassionate and blessed with all-knowledge, has many answers—the words clearly spoken to a dedicated group. They are recorded, transcribed and made widely available. The Source teaching is, as ever, of love, peace and spiritual upliftment.

Much has been spoken on the wonders of creation, the power of thought, the value of prayer, meditation and the intricacies of dream-state. Several evenings were devoted to Moses, the Commandments and the Bible Code and how present times connect. Almost two millennia ago, Jesus had Earthly life and the one from spirit revealed to St John details that he set down, in 'Revelation'. Our many dialogues with Salumet embrace these matters and yes indeed, Jesus did walk upon the waters. He was able to do that.

But many of our questions have concerned matters within present day consciousness that were simply absent from minds of earlier times. The many diverse topics covered include reincarnation and past lives, the visions of Mary, angels and light beings, elementals, space-travel, UFOs, cancer, numerous medical conditions, longevity, psychic surgery, 9 /11 and terrorism, Bermuda Triangle disappearances, diet, drinking and smoking and the Egyptian pyramids.

The facts are astounding, yet fit together perfectly as one huge cosmic jigsaw puzzle. Salumet revolutionises whole areas of our thinking, and it is 'thought' that powersevolution—thought—the most powerful faculty available to humankind!



This book breaks free of the old single-planet confines—providing a factual extravaganza that takes us well beyond Earth, our science, world religions, the creation, and into the birth cauldron of all known existence.

Learn astonishing facts about the universe, its life forms, widespread space travel, unimagined energy abundance, and acknowledgement by every planetary culture of the one Creative Principle known here as “God”. We now access the basic truth of all existence.

How? Our wonderful human brains have the ability to download wordless thought communication to be uttered in the appropriate world language! And as with telepathy, communications are instantaneous (not controlled by space-time's light-speed). Share the deeper knowledge gained through this mind-linked communication across the cosmos by a long established séance group guided by Salumet, angelic light-being of all-knowledge. Voiced exchanges with the humanoid Bonniol and his team living on Planet Aerah have been digitally recorded over a four year period and are now reported as a substantial book of 468-pages.

Brainstorming scientific-style, rocketry and huge funding; they were yesterday’s tools. Mind-linked conversation, arranged and corroborated by Salumet and others, yields cross-referenced knowledge wildly in excess of old 20th-century standards. We now have intricate details of realms that lie even beyond the reach of astronomical telescopes. Sixty-five lengthy question-and-answer sessions involving an Earthly team that includes scientists, mediums, clairvoyants and teachers are presented. And whilst telescopes see galaxies as they were millions of years ago, the information reported here is all present status quo.

The full team is unique, comprising as it does—Bonniol, mind-traveller from Planet Aerah (supported by his team of 60-Aerans); Salumet, light-being of all-knowledge, and our Earthly well-established channelling group. All regularly meet and speak—the recorded sessions revealing the truth of existence—a created universe shared by so many truly wondrous beings.

For further information click also: 'Bonniol / Extraterrestrial Links'.


Spirit and Extraterrestrials Guide us through Times of Change and Challenge

This book is about NOW—a time of unprecedented change and challenge. My fifty years as innovative scientist have enmeshed with two decades of séance group encounters. The latter have led to intriguing revelations, that fast became sensational between-worlds adventures, as one from Angelic Realms whom we now know as ‘Salumet’, joined us as teacher and guide. That was mid-1994, was part of Earth’s forward move and the timing not accidental. Our guide’s objectives were twofold: firstly to deflect mankind’s dogged approach towards nuclear oblivion, and secondly to teach truth of existence—much needed in a world devoted to rampant materialism and confused religious fervour. Angelic light-being and scientist may seem a doubtful alliance, but fortunately for me such light-beings as Salumet are endowed with, not just all-knowledge of this and other universes, but also with infinite love and undying patience. There have been my moments of feeling inadequate of course, but overriding all is our awareness of enormous privilege, shared by the whole team—that team including the essential full-trance medium Eileen Roper, through whom our guide speaks. With own consciousness inactive during sessions, Eileen is Salumet’s pure channel. All exchanges have been recorded and transcribed as was meant to be.
Words of the ongoing teachings that embrace love, truth and living are simple and easily understood by all, unlike a few of my own scientific propositions! But I have learned and have been able to forge meaningful connections between what is spiritual, what is scientific and certain religious criteria; to shed light upon our obviously confused and erroneous thinking. Science and the religions are of course ongoing belief systems that have emerged from a chequered and flawed planetary history, whilst spirituality is vividly now and forever. We were always first and foremost spiritual beings, as are all the sentient beings of this expanding universe.
We are told that Earth is a learning planet in a universe that expands from all points within itself, as does baker’s dough. That’s right! There never was a ‘singularity’ beginning and no ‘big bang’; that idea was a false premise—an error that arose from the mistake of purely physical thinking. At this point in time it has become a necessity that mainstream science accepts spiritual values—that mind, spirit, consciousness, prayer, telepathy and all-pervading aether all exist as non-material realities. These non-material realities are not subject to the laws that govern ordinary matter—the space-time creation. Full acceptance by science of the non-material will activate a vista of new ‘spiritual science’ potential. Mind is linked to, yet is exterior to brain and has the potential to communicate with other minds absolutely anywhere, even across huge universal distance. Brain is an incredible biological computer that can download the thought-behind-words to its known language; so that with the cooperation of those in spirit, interplanetary communication is possible and does indeed prevail. There are no language barriers and there are no time delays, so telepathic mind-link is a favoured method of communication used by truly advanced sentient beings of this universe. But what about Earth’s SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program—an expensive 50-year program based on radio dishes? That was one further example of false premise arising
from our purely physical thinking. No one else in this universe would dream of using physical fixed-velocity radio communication when telepathic mind-link is available. Radical matters such as this have been discussed at length with our all-knowing teacher, Salumet.
The interplanetary communications during séance have been a blessing; yielding valuable knowledge of the intricacies of mind, knowledge of how spiritually more evolved beings think and disport themselves and knowledge of how spiritual acceptance can lead to amazing technical progress. The whole of God’s creation is very much alive! Combined spiritual and technical advancement has led many to, amongst other things, cosmic travel using space-ships, utilising ‘wormholes’ as convenient short cuts where appropriate. It may surprise some that this has in turn led to our understanding of the reason for pyramid construction here on Earth—by extraterrestrial visitors. Oh yes! Earth has indeed been visited by advanced sentient beings from elsewhere. They are interested in our progress and they have built their pyramids here. In fact, the first task of a physical mission to another planet has often been to build a pyramid, with one pair of sides orientated exactly East-West. Why so? Such a structure, aligned to planetary spin, generates energy—this energy being required for their sustenance whilst here; also to boost their means of travel for the homeward journey. Without a pyramid they would be stuck here on Earth for the rest of their lives! So there has been good sound reason for Earth’s first pyramids. That they should be seen as tombs for dignitaries is a naive human notion that came very much later.
The truth of existence and Earth’s progression of course involve much more than just getting our scientific act together and our friendly recognition of cosmic neighbours. While these details must be addressed, especially by our scientists, institutions, politicians and learned societies, this book which has five parts accounts much, much more. Part I explains past lives, reincarnation, spirit rescues, essential spiritual facts, and then we rejoice in the return to the meetings following a lengthy break, of our dear friend Bonniol who lives on Planet Aerah, many galaxies distant from here. Part II addresses pyramids, their origin and purpose; with special reference to Cahuachi in the Nazca River Valley and to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids—that includes our October 2013 tour of excavations there. The more recent visits of Bonniol to us through 2013 are also included here. Part III differentiates true and false prophecy, the amazing power of thought, proofs of the spiritual existence, and some enlightening conversations with notaries and royalty now in spirit. Part IV concerns some conceptual matters and current Earthly problems, the beauty and meaning of mathematics within creation, the principle of non-violence and how the angels are ever present and may be called upon in times of need. Part V describes details of a scheme being mounted from spirit designed to assist our cosmic ascendancy. And the final chapter of Part V: ‘Love, Truth, Peace and Goodwill’ extols the virtues of love, forgiveness, rising above our fears and of being non-judgemental. We are beings of love and Salumet approves the ‘Beatles’ title: ‘Love is All You Need’. Finally a blessing from Sister Agnes; a most dear one in spirit who brought her love and her valuable teaching
to the Kingsclere Group—that was in the very early preparative days before Salumet joined us. This was a timely and such a heartfelt reunion, uniting past and present!
And throughout this book there is the teaching, the questions answered, the confirmation of data and of course that all-encompassing love that can be felt—from SALUMET, our guide, our teacher, our inspiration. These pages are all about his mission to this planet—all about his dedication to help EARTH’S COSMIC ASCENDANCY, our planetary ascension with all of us on board, to higher unimagined realities.
Foreword by Prof Ervin Laszlo and Gyorgyi Szabo MA.
Contribution re Bosnian Pyramid excavations by Dr Semir Osmanagich.
To those who seek beyond the footlights of this Earthly stage, and rise to the curtain call of changing times—thus to discover truth, the boundless mind, friends across the universe and the love of all creation.
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled”
– Plutarch.


A Smudge in TIME

George's first book, taking a forensic look at the history of science, with deep wisdom from Salumet, providing insight from deeper Spirit. 

(Further details for ebook and paperback  available on Amazon)

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