Welcome to SALUMET & Friends Channelled teachings on: LOVE, TRUTH & the Power of THOUGHT ~
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Latest Salumet transcripts 2019

Salumet's first visit on the year brought much Love and hope for the future and further information about children coming to the Earth to help bring peace and greater spiritual knowledge, at this pivotal time. Salumet also gave us the challenge to: ...take any opportunity to help young people, to listen to them, and to speak to them only the Truth of the Spirit.
2019_01_21 salumet (2).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [420.7 KB]
21_01_2019 Salumet.mp3
MP3 audio file [5.2 MB]
This week Salumet spoke about older children beginning to think and feel differently from older generations, and we were reminded to always look for the goodness. There were also questions on 'Time', on 'saving the world', and about the spiritual Mind versus the physical brain. We also discussed misconceptions about heaven and so-called 'dark' places.
2019_02_18 salumet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [409.7 KB]
2019_02_18 salumet.mp3
MP3 audio file [9.3 MB]
This week Salumet talked about what happens when we send out healing prayers and gave an exercise to practice: Next time you wish to send thoughts for anyone, include yourselves in the reaction of the words ... recognise what is happening within you, when healing is sent to another...There was also a question about doctors keeping people 'alive' when it is their time to return 'Home'
2019_03_25 salumet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [420.9 KB]
2019_03_25 Salumetl.mp3
MP3 audio file [4.9 MB]
This week we gave Salumet feedback concerning the exercise given on his last visit, (25/03/2019) about sending healing prayers/thoughts to others. There were also questions on pyramids , energy and briefly, crystals.
2019_04_15 sal.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [515.9 KB]
2019_04_15 salu.mp3
MP3 audio file [7.9 MB]
(Not Salumet) This was a quiet development evening, with information about COLOUR
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2019_06_10 Salumet1.mp3
MP3 audio file [7.9 MB]
This week Salumet predicts lots more UFO activity from early July this year and says the new energy discovery from the oceans will be made public in 2020. He also forecast more planetary upheaval, but this is transitory and to send Love and Peace.
There were also questions on Colour, Hitler and Mind Projection.
2019_06_10 sal.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [459.5 KB]
2019_08_12 Salumet.mp3
MP3 audio file [6.3 MB]
Salumet gently reminds us that these visits are gradually reducing, which has been described previously as a 'weaning off'--not stopping, but coming less often, for our individual development. 3 questions are answered on healing work, pyramids and spirit hospitals.
2019_08_12 salumet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [314.8 KB]
2019_11_18 Salumet1.mp3
MP3 audio file [7.9 MB]
This week Salumet answered questions on leadership, Time and freewill, George's book and Prayer and the children to come were also briefly mentioned.
Salumet also encouraged us to:exude your lives in fact, not just yourself, but life as a whole, you have to live it as you would if you were here in Spirit...
2019_11_18 sal.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [272.2 KB]

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