Welcome to SALUMET & Friends Channelled teachings on: LOVE, TRUTH & the Power of THOUGHT ~
       Welcome to SALUMET  &  Friends              Channelled  teachings  on: LOVE, TRUTH & the Power of THOUGHT ~             
Not Salumet - speaker on healing
KINGSCLERE GP EVE - 11 Jan 16 checked.pd[...]
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Remain optimistic in thoughts and dealings regarding planetary changes, children are the future of this planet, best way to send healing thoughts/prayers
SALUMET - 18 Jan 16 checked-1.pdf
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2016_01_18 salumet.mp3
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Head transplants and animal experimentation - vivisection, missing links, fall of Atlantis and planetary evolution
SALUMET - 8 Feb 16(1).pdf
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2016_02_08 sal1.mp3
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All things are known, gender equality - balance
SALUMET - 14 Mar16 checked-1.pdf
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2016_03_14 sal.mp3
MP3 audio file [3.9 MB]
Eileen's experience last week, what would we be without LOVE?
SALUMET - 11 Apr 16 checked+links.pdf
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2016_04_11 sal.mp3
MP3 audio file [4.5 MB]
Staying positive, Aether - matter + antimatter, go within more, Salumet as 'mainly' conglomerate of formless beings, happenings in world like a 'cleansing'
SALUMET - 16 May 16 checked.pdf
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Self-healing, a little more on space travelers re Planet 'Serpo'
S_AL_UMET - 20 Jun 16 checked-linked.pdf
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2016_06_20 1salumet.mp3
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Healing rays - practice..., Flat Earth - thoughts/reality - self-fulfilling, obesity, ask spirit for health - don't just expect...
Salumet 1st August 2016 + link.pdf
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2016_08_01 salumet.mp3
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Thoughts for George, the dawn chorus - become part of it - benefits, mother/baby connection
2016_09_12 salumet.pdf
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2016_09_12 salumet.mp3
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Not Salumet - The beauty in spirit realms - reminding us of George's journey
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News of George's journey 'home', one from an ancient civilization in Peru - via Sarah
2016_10_10 Sal+.pdf
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2016_10_10 salumet.mp3
MP3 audio file [1.8 MB]
Special children of Peace - within next 4 years they will be born throughout the world and eventually lead way to peace...
2016_10_17 Sal -.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [616.9 KB]
2016_10_17 salumet.mp3
MP3 audio file [3.9 MB]
Health and healing/food intolerances connected to THINKING, absolute belief - FEED YOUR THOUGHTS
2016_11_07 Sal.pdf
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07_11_2016 sal.mp3
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Exploring connection between our thoughts and bodies re self-healing
2016_11_28 sal..pdf
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2016_11_28 sal edited.mp3
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Healing occurs when soul is 'touched'
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2016_12_12 salumet.mp3
MP3 audio file [3.6 MB]

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